August 2, 2024

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Back To Daily Posting; And More

First off; thanks for all the well-wishes and condolences in the comment section since the last post. I appreciate them all. 

I haven’t abandoned the blog bits, and it’s been my full intention to return imminently for a few weeks now.

Yet, you’re reading this in August instead of July. Why?

Addressing Flaws In The Daily Posting System

I wrote a daily blog post from January through to the beginning of May, and then circumstances out of my control made daily posting untenable.

Even before that, I had a run of headaches and otherwise days where I just couldn’t get anything out of my mind.

Now, the human being that lives somewhere inside my head tells me, “It’s just natural Jamie, you’re setting unrealistic expectations for yourself!” and he’s correct.

The guy who was a workaholic way back when tells me, “Jamie… you should be working smart and not giving yourself another thing to do – especially when you aren’t getting paid for it in any way, shape or form outside the nebulous, ‘it helps me in many unforeseen ways’ that you tell yourself.” And he’s correct too.

But the cyborg-writing-systems-thinking-internet-pirate-sorcerer in me says, “there’s a way.” And he’s correct too.

Essentially; with all the skills, knowledge and experience I’ve accumulated over the years, along with the tech stack, money I spend on having working internet money-making bits, along with all the technology that has significantly and exponentially advanced since I started blogging eight years ago, there should be no reason why I can’t write a blog post every day and have each one of those blog posts be something useful, valuable or insightful.

No off-days; we don’t need them.

This got me to thinking…

The McSloy Project; What’s Gone Wrong?

Let’s keep it short. There are a few things that have gone wrong in the blog posting and the wider Extended McSloy Hypersigil Universe. (I’ll explain that term in a following post so it’ll make sense.)

Firstly, there’s simply me not sticking to the schedule. No excuses; I could write more here but I’ve chosen not to. I say that not as a masochistic thing nor as a too cool for school statement, but it tells me that my motivation isn’t quite where it should be.

Secondly, there’s the Vault and other projects I’ve promised; you know, I know. It’s been two years, and we’ve still got the Coming Soon landing page that I haven’t even updated the copyright on. This all speaks to a project that’s overwhelming in its current, (well, up to a few days ago*,) form – and again, that’s not a cry for help. It requires an adjustment.

Thirdly, there’s the endless list of other projects that have come, gone, stagnated, taken precedence, become real and so on, as well as the siren song of interesting stuff I want to start. Which brings me to the conclusion of this little section.

Namely, that I should have shifted what I was writing about a long time ago. When I first started the blog, I was simply writing what interested me and that was useful to my budding audience. That carried me for years. It was one-draft, not-always-the-best-but-always-something writing that was authentic and original.

Over time, I thought I’d fallen out of love with my little blog. It became a chore. But I’d misdiagnosed the problem; I’d turned into a stress-ball who didn’t like the stuff he was doing, and thus couldn’t bring himself to write about it at the end of the day, reliving the unpleasantness all over.

And there’s the simple mind shift that, in theory, should allow me to start writing again, as well as bringing the projects and whatnot into line.

Projects, You Say?

While I’ve been silent recently, I’ve not been doing nothing. I’ve been working on the fiction bits I promised earlier in the year, and I’ve been working on the fabled, mythological, Half Life 3 project that I call The Vault.

A project which required simplifying in scope but not content, it turns out.

It’s almost ready for launch, and currently I’m writing the last lessons of a course I’m calling The Foundations.

The Foundations are thirty online business lessons complete with exercises, how-tos and more that’ll give you a high-level understanding of running a business in 2024, using all the tools, strategies, tactics and whatnot that you’ll need. It’s a high-end overview of the project I’m running going forward.

From there, we’ll go into the more specific bits; freelancing, copywriting, ecommerce and so on. I’ll probably have courses and lessons for most of those things – with the idea in mind to cover all the fundamentals in excruciating and never-before-seen detail within the next year or so.

In addition to that, I’ll be putting together self-directed challenges that’ll give you the mental tools to do everything you need to yourself because ultimately, I learned best when I was figuring out things on my own. When we have a social aspect to the project, it’ll be centred around this as well.

In addition, there’ll be other random essays and other bits and pieces; Q and A’s, top secret other ideas that I’ve got in mind but haven’t figured out the angle for yet, and more.

It’s going to be fantastic. And it’ll launch sometime in August. (2024, that is.)

But This Post Isn’t A Sales Letter…

Nor is it a call to arms or anything like that. It’s simply me putting some things out there:

  • Daily posting is back
  • Vault launches this month
  • Other projects will be forthcoming quickly and openly

With the intent of forcing myself to make the moves that I can and need to, striking while the iron’s hot and I’m self-motivated enough to start the ball rolling.

Let’s go.

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Shameless Plug Time

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The Vault is my private membership website. Inside, you get access to book chapters, course lessons, e-guides to various online business shenanigans as I write them. You'll also get a bunch more private stuff, a monthly Q and A, discounts on future completed products and there's much, much more on the roadmap.
