February 2, 2024

Reminder: Back Everything Up

Daily Writing Blog


Crucial Part of Administrative Life

So, as you’re all no doubt sick of hearing, I’ve been working a lot on big projects recently.

After a few years of living easy, I decided that in order to get everything I need done, I have to act like I have clients again, and become an actual, serious business entity instead of a flaneur.

One thing I forgot about was just how serious you have to take administrative stuff. In fact, back when I was a copywriter, one of the major things setting me apart from the competition was just how seriously I took everything; a deadline is a deadline, a promise is a promise, and so on.


Now, we’re remembering just how on top of things we had to be, except now I have the benefit of being good at programming, automation and there are a ton more tools available now than there were before.

Of course, with complexity comes fragility and honestly, I’ve somehow burned this computer out.

And, naturally, can’t forget the tech support guy who deleted the contents of my server, costing me untold amounts of money and time and so on that I’ll never get back.

So with that; simple topic of the day is to remember to back your stuff up. It’s never been easier.

A simple thing to do, if you’re not already doing it; is making use of the fact you can a) encrypt things using free software WinRar, etc. and then you can upload it to the cloud in an encrypted state via Telegram, Discord, OneDrive – any of these apps that give you effectively unlimited storage space.

Do it now, because it’s too late when things go wrong.

More on this in the upcoming Vault project on Survivalism 2.0, because for some people this can be an actual life saver.

And I’ll see you in the next one.

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