November Round-Up, Traffic Stats, Etc.
I’m back for another month.
This month was NaNoWriMo, so I posted about publishing, and why you should do it.
Before that, I started with last month’s site report.
Then I wrote on a topic that a lot of authors are spending a lot of time on: Whether you should put your books in Kindle Unlimited or not.
Then I wrote about my approach to thinking about writing words and how they earn you money.
My non-experience with traditional publishing was the subject of the next post.
Following that, my one-stop cure for writer’s block.
I then wrote a review for 21 Days to a Novel, and finished with “Why Writing Books Is An Incredible Investment.”
So, a grand total of seven posts in all.
Word Count
Word count is probably the most important thing a writer can judge themselves by.
You can read a hundred books on the subject of writing, but until you put pen to paper, you’re not really a writer.
Conversely, you don’t have to be Stephen King, making north of a million dollars a book to be considered a writer either.
The amount of writing you do is what makes you a writer.
Here are my figures:
I failed NaNoWriMo.
I also had some pain-in-the-arse freelance work which took a lot of my time where it shouldn’t have. More on both of those coming up this month.
I technically fell down below 2,000 words per month of publishable content for the first time this year.
That said, in terms of income, I had the second highest ever month since being a freelance writer, and I made a lot of in-roads into bigger projects (again, more on that in a subsequent post) so it’s not all bad. Still, I’ll need to get that figure up. Tricky when you consider it’s holiday season at the end of the month.
Traffic Figures and Other Odds and Ends For The Site
I’ll let the graph speak for itself for a while.
I had a tiny amount of visitors this month.
Sure, it’s an increase, but really, if I were working on a money-making authority site or niche site, I’d be pretty irritated at those figures after four months.
Adding another job to the list – I should probably do some marketing, or just something at all, to get the site on track traffic wise.
At the moment I only play around on Twitter when I’m procrastinating.
I was originally going to jump into a new case study, but I have left over material from the month that never got posted, so I will probably use that and start afresh in January.
Topics I’ll probably include are:
Why I failed NaNoWriMo and what I learned about myself from it.
How to make sure freelance work doesn’t end with you bogged down in a time-consuming rut.
How to effectively schedule something.
(You’ll notice all of those are related. Consider them my findings for the month!)