February 3, 2024

Patterns of Behaviour

Daily Writing Blog


You Reveal Yourself To Yourself

I’ve done one month of daily blog posts on this site for the first time since, I think, 2019. While I am kind of glad I stopped doing daily posts just in time for the site to get wiped out, thus losing only 300 or so posts rather than the 900 I might have potentially lost, all-in-all, stopping the daily blog practice was a terrible decision.

It seems crazy and I’ll elaborate on why later, but the daily blog post, for whatever reason, changed my life back in the day. The simple ritual of writing and sending posts out into the void had what I believe to be quite literal magical effects; I could feel myself being moved around on a cosmic chess board – this found its heights when I wrote what I call the Wyrd posts.  I’ll be collecting up and rewriting as a book at some point, but it was a wild ride at points.

And I say “was” but we’re going to push those buttons because it’s a way to make the world interesting; and also, if I’m correct about meta-geoplitical stuff, the world is about to become a lot more interesting and, a little philosophy to take away is that you should probably fight chaos with chaos.

Or, “unpredictability” if chaos has negative connotations.

Anyway… I bring all of this up because there are two ways to reveal yourself to yourself:

  1. Do unpredictable things where your core nature is forced out
  2. Recognise the unseen in your typical patterns of behaviour.

For instance, I’m at one month of writing these daily blog posts. It’s taken me that month to regonise a few notable things:

  • Saturdays are the hardest days to write a blog post – no idea why, even when planned
  • Writing about online business is, despite a huge part of the job description, like pulling my teeth out
  • Writing about weird stuff, however, is fun
  • Most of these blog posts are a reflection of my mental state as I get back into the swing of being an overly productive human being

No doubt more gems will reveal themselves along the trail. But again, there’s a good mixture in those four points that suggests that while it’s a slower start than it was back in the day, I’m still on the chess board and the pieces are still moving around me.

Or I’m starting to move the pieces again. We’ll see.

More on this to follow.

Enjoy your weekends.


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