March 9, 2024

Cool Tools To Use: Twine

Daily Writing Blog


Another Recommendation

I’ve made a habit of lazy weekend posts. This is in that tradition, I suppose. However, it’s also a pretty useful one.

So, recently I’ve written about stuff I use. Firstly there was the Kindle Scribe, which might be the best investment ever for writers. Secondly, there was my OneNote post; again, not even an investment because it’s free, but absolutely essential.

Today, I’m going to recommend another free software: Twine.

It’s a mindmap software that’s often used for people writing branching narratives, video games and so on.

I don’t use it for that sort of thing, although playing around with it today, I actually had a couple of ideas for Choose Your Own Adventure-styled stories.

Instead, I’ve been using it to simplify the absolute nightmare that The Vault has become.

With The Vault, I want it to be a Q1 project. I’m rapidly running out of Q1.

Part of that is that, like this blog, it’s become a “throw your long articles in and one day we’ll have a complete compendium of all the online pirate bits.”

That’s not helping me complete it and it’s not helping you or anyone who ends up subscribing; too complicated, not actually useful.

So we break it down.

“Where do I start?” I ask myself. Which is really asking, “Where do my customers start?”

From there, we create a flowchart, which is what Twine does:

This, just knocked up for the purposes of showing you. The idea is that you think, “What does my customer want and what are the steps to get there?”

If you’re into complicated email marketing flows, you can plan them on Twine as well.

Give it a go if you feel it’s interesting. Maybe I’ll come back to this later with a better article. More on that subject tomorrow, I think.

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