January 18, 2022

How You Can Build a Niche Website In One Day

Daily Writing Blog, How to's and Tutorials for Writers, Niche Websites


How You Can Build a Niche Website In One Day

I’ve been building and writing for niche sites for a while now. I’m doing a niche site challenge – the goal, to create 28 niche sites in a year and earn a huge amount of money. I won’t clog up this article with more of that; check here for more on the niche site challenge and here for what I’ve been planning on doing.

Niche Site #5: The Plan

For niche site #5, I wanted to do something different.  Instead of creating a site and then adding to it, I wanted to build a niche website within a short period of time and then leave it for a period and see how it does in comparison to regular writing for my other niche sites.

Part of the challenge is that I get a lot of data on what works versus what doesn’t. This seems like a good idea – after all, if it works, then I’ll probably do it like this for the rest of the sites.

So, my plan was to create a site – or at least the majority of a site – in one day.

Building a niche website can be broken down into the following steps:

  1. Have an idea
  2. Check out some products and see if there are affiliate programs
  3. See how competitive the niche is, do your keyword research
  4. If there are, write some “cornerstone” product reviews that are going to be the main pages for your site
  5. Write some additional information with an emphasis on easy but high-traffic keywords, and think of a way to point those to your product reviews
  6. Register the domain, build the site
  7. PROFIT (somewhere down the line.)

Those six steps are the basic gist of your site.

I’ll talk about what I achieved as far as following this plan for my one day project, but let’s talk about what I did wrong first.

If You Want To Build A Niche Website In One Day, Avoid These Mistakes

I didn’t build a niche website in one day. I could easily have done, and probably will next time. I made some errors though. Here they are:

I didn’t buy the domain and sort out the actual site.

The minute you know you’ve got an idea that’s going to work, get a domain name and start setting that up in the background.

It takes time to register a domain, set up the hosting, set up the email, set up the WordPress theme and other administrative stuff. Most of this occurs in the background, but I wrote everything before thinking about a domain, and then had to wait to do all this, when I could have done it in five minute intervals throughout the day.

Of course, if you’re not trying to build a site in one day, this doesn’t matter and you should ignore it.

Don’t Build A Site Without A Clear Idea Of What You’re Selling.

I quite like being helpful, but I’m not building websites for the sheer fun of it. Neither should you. With this site, the ideas for how-to articles came easily to me, the product ideas not so much. Remember, that you’re trying to drive people to the sales letters, and without those, your site isn’t going to return a profit.

Also, $5 products are useless. Your products should make you a reasonable amount per sale.

Forget Motivation

I wasn’t inspired to write some of these articles. I wasted a lot of time not writing material because I was trying to drum up the enthusiasm.

Instead, I should have treated the exercise like I treat working for freelance clients; forget motivation, just do it.

The fact is, when you build a niche website you should do it because you’re building an asset. It’s a job, basically. Treat it like a job, get it over and done with, move on.

Get Your Images And Other Stuff Ready In A Folder

I’ve written a whole article about this before.

Get your product images and keep them in an easy space and rename them beforehand.

If you’re writing several thousand word articles, you are not going to want to go through and rename images after you’ve written the articles. You’re going to be bored and probably tired.

How To Build A Niche Website In One Day: The Actual Workflow

This plan will depend on your writing speed. I budget about 45 minutes for a 1000-1500 word article.

Essentially, when we get to the writing, it’ll be simple. 45 minutes, 15 minute break, and so on. But we need to get there first.

Find Products

Search around for products first. There’s no point in building a niche website if you can’t sell anything. For Niche Site #5, here’s what I found. It took about half an hour.

Product One has a commission of 35% and is a $100 product.

Product Two has a commission of 20% and is $149.99

Product 3 is $85 and has a commission of 20%

Products two and three are from a store, hence their identical commission and Product One is sold on the manufacturer’s website.

It’s worth noting that all of these products are available elsewhere but these were the best commissions I could find at the moment. You might have the same – providing you find a decent affiliate program, you can always upgrade – or even change products – at a later point.

Keyword Research

Keyword research comes after you’ve found a working idea.

Read this article on picking good keywords. Essentially though, it’ll look something like this:

Product One Review

How To Do (Whatever product one gets you to do) – Point At Product One

Why You Should (Do whatever it is product one tells you to do) Point At Product One

Something Else Involving (Product One) Or Ten Steps To (Whatever Product One Offers)

Then swap it around for products two, three and whatever else. You get the idea. Don’t overthink it. Use your keyword planning tool and providing the keywords don’t look ridiculously competitive, (IPhone Review, How To Get An iPhone, Why You Need An iPhone) then just go for it.

Write Your Sales Letters

For Niche Site #5, I have three major products. Each took me about 45 minutes to write. I own two out of three of the products, so it wasn’t so though to write these, and I did a pretty good job. I always recommend you own the products, but I’m not your mother, so use your sales powers wisely if you choose to tell fibs.

Remember, you’re not making friends here; you’re making money. Sell the product. Worry about other stuff later. Don’t waste time telling people why they need to be involved in the niche, that comes in another article.

You get the point if you’ve read my site for a while.

How To Articles

Here’s a link to why you should have how-to articles on your site. You don’t have to do this. It helps though for sweeping up keywords, making your site look more like a real site as opposed to an evil salesman’s sales page, and it helps connect all your products together.

I wrote three of these articles for products one and two, and then I wrote two for the third product. In doing so, I thought of another product which I have to look into that’s relevant.

45 minutes x 8 articles = 6 hours.

It didn’t take me that long, but I budgeted it.

At this point in the day, I’d worked on the site from about 10, and it was about 12 when I wrote the sales letters. I started writing the how-to letters at about 2pm, having had lunch and messed around on YouTube for a while. (Hey, full disclosure in this how-to!)

I finished in about 4 hours, and the average how-to length was just under a thousand words. It worked out about half-an-hour per post.

Then I had to go and get all the images, which finished off my day and made me grumpy, but I already wrote that in the mistakes.

Having realised I hadn’t got a website to put this on, I left everything else until another day.

Final Thoughts

I think I’ve summarised how to build a niche website in one day. Hopefully, it’ll help some people, and it will certainly help me. I’ll write more about this in tomorrow’s round up, but for now, let’s summarise.

To build a niche website, whether in a day or a week, you need to follow these basic steps:

  1. Have an idea
  2. Check out some products and see if there are affiliate programs
  3. See how competitive the niche is, do your keyword research
  4. If there are, write some “cornerstone” product reviews that are going to be the main pages for your site
  5. Write some additional information with an emphasis on easy but high-traffic keywords, and think of a way to point those to your product reviews
  6. Register the domain, build the site

Other than that, you don’t have to do all that much.

I’ll see in the future whether it’s a good idea or not!

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