November 6, 2023

A Three Word Universal Marketing Strategy

Advertising, Daily Writing Blog, Online Business


A Universal Three Word Marketing Strategy

I’ve probably written about this before, but I took an extended siesta from copywriting and online business. Instead, I focused on other opportunities in publishing, AI and intellectual property stuff.

Now I’m back though, and looking at the various media platforms and so on that used to be the loose collective of Make Money Online and Affiliate Marketing communities, one thing really strikes me and that one thing is:

Nothing Much Has Changed

It’s all too easy to say that internet marketing has gotten worse and that’s all a bit boomer-yells-at-TV-screen for me. There are things that have gotten worse, for sure:

  • The sense of community is far weaker; even aside from most platforms requiring you to act like a ChatGPT listicle-bot and the prevalence of borderline sociopathic “Tribe Building” money-grabbers who want to charge you for looking at their tweets (I’m not even joking. I got that sales email the other day,) there’s just very little organic community-achieves-goal stuff going on
  • The level of selling is so blatantly lower than it was pre-pandemic (when I literally took my bag and went home) that it’s quite painful to look at. “Got a problem? Click here. (Where I’ll sell you some dumb shit without even trying.)
  • The rate of inflation on basic, basic shit is so absurd you know that nobody is buying it. ($400 for a 26-page ebook on how to start an Instagram account – sign me up, buddy!) (Again, real example.)
  • There is absolutely no accountability whatsoever and everyone can be a kumbayah “I’ll show you how to make millions making millions” guru with not a single shred of proof whatsoever.

But here’s my issue… it’s not the stuff that’s gotten worse that gets me.

It’s the stuff that’s stayed the same.

Even the decent internet marketers. It’s ebooks and talking-head-caption YouTube videos and “Click Here For Thread” Twitter lists.

And before some triggered idiot calls me an “anti-guru hater” about this, I’ll leave it at the very obvious observation: These tactics don’t work as well as they used to. These guys probably won’t admit it to you, dear reader, but look at your 100k follower Twitter guy. Have his like numbers, shares and reach gone down or up?

It’s down.

New Strategies Are What’s Needed

Here’s the thing.

If you’re one of the affronted Twitter guys and you’re upset because you have 100,000 followers and yet your last tweet got six likes and the automated call-to-action reply only got 130 impressions and absolutely zero sign ups, don’t get mad at me, and instead realise…

It’s not your fault.

Because, because.

Out in the real world of actual direct marketing principles, there’s a general understanding that everything gets burned out.

Tactically, what worked for anyone three years ago won’t work without massive change in approach.

And I don’t mean posting all your tweets as screenshots on Instagram, because really…

Whenever You Do The Same Thing, You’re Fighting Entropy

Here’s the (next) thing.

If you copy someone’s tactics, you are fighting entropy.

If you do something you’ve always done or you repackage the same thing you’ve always done in a slightly different way and call that a new thing, (that’ll be the TikTok Tweet stuff) you’re fighting entropy.

And if you honestly buy some product because it’s the secret tactic that I’m only sharing with you because I’ve just made too much money keeping it to myself and so for just $499 bucks, you can too learn the same tactics that 1,000 other people are going to copy-paste as well, well, you’re fighting entropy.

By entropy, I mean the entropy of the success of the tactic. It gets watered down. Once upon a time, you could make a talking-head video, post it on IG, and make a ton of money while ruining everyone else’s scrolling experience.

Now, we’ve seen it all before and thumb immediately rolls up. “Most copywriter’s think retainers are…”

I don’t know. I skipped the reel.

Here’s how to not be that guy and not fight entropy.

It’s very simple.

Do Something New

Maybe instead of trying really hard to create a private resource that actually helps people build unique businesses in any market that are valuable and can fix the future of you and your family for generations, I should just sell Redbubble Cushions with “Do Something New” as the design.


McSloy Enterprises Let Their In-House Graphic Design Team Go

Because really, it’s very easy to boil all the internet marketing guru-wisdoms and accumulated learnings on marketing down to just those three words:

Do Something New.

Something brilliant. Something novel. Maybe something that people can’t get anywhere else, or maybe they can but they don’t. Maybe just a little entertainment in the form of a cute kitten floating away on a helium balloon or some arduous challenge like walking up Everest backwards.

Or whatever translates to that in your niche.

Because if you do the above, mostly marketing takes care of itself and your thing finds a way to market itself.

And for what doesn’t occur naturally, well, it makes everything you do from tweeting to emailing to Tik-Tok-ing a lot easier and more cost effective.

More on this in the next edition. For now, I’m back. And don’t worry, I’ll be posting the new things I’ll be doing as this article instructs you to do. Because it’s skin-in-the-game, and always has been.

P.S. You know the bit above where I said about the private resource, guaranteeing pirate riches for you and your family for generations?

Well, it might be taking longer to get here than the last Beatles’ song or Half-Life 3, but it does exist. It’s called The Vault and it will launch very, very soon.

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